Saturday, November 29, 2008

Beginning to have a Point

I am an anxious person; very critical and pessimistic. I am frustrated with the cyclical nature of history and society. I see patterns repeating themselves under new guises and newer executions. Technology and language have changed, but have not (up until now) brought progress within a social context. Rather, technology and language (the way we call things) have only worked to exaggerate exponentially innate and instinctual human characteristics. We are a tribal species that seeks to compete and dominate for the sake of genetic isolation and specific species propagation. We have broken humanity into a blocking of biological sub-categories (races), but even more disquieting is our creation of species based on the arbitrary construct of economics (upper, middle, and lower class. Aka, The rich, The merchants, and the poor/ slaves). We live in a world that says, “If you can gain wealth, your kind will continue. If can not gain wealth, your life is expendable and your genes don’t matter.” The opportunity for wealth is promised to us, but those who are already in that 2% species protect their kind from the threat of watered down genetics by constructing social and political barricades around their territories. It is this 2% that I fear and at once accept. It is human function to be subservient. We function like a virus or bee colony, in that, all our life’s toil (or not) is done for the sake of propagating the wealthy. These are the issues I’m concerned with. This is an emotional and intellectual duality that has plagued me since I first noticed that something wasn’t right. My heart tells me that we should fight and storm the institutions with rifles. Yet my brain reminds me that that has happened all too many times before and that the end result is never any different than the way it all started before. So rather than take a stand, or have an opinion, I do what I have always done… isolate myself, work alone, and reject institutions; yet I do know how to exploit them. My work is intended to be open ended and at the same time point at the audience and say “Your misery is your own fault, if your aren’t happy, than fucking change it!” My only concrete opinion is that things should always be talked about, never repressed and never censored.


Jackie said...

Except that birth rates are highest amongst the poor and lowest amongst the rich, so actually if you are poor your genes are more durable...

Matthew Thomas Cianfrani said...

yeah but what kind of standard of living are the poor allowed? and what kind of access to education and medical care are they offered, both of which increase life span and general physical health. being able to reproduce in greater numbers doesnt necesarily guarantee genetic strength. the poor are at a greater pre-dispotion for heart disease, cancer, obesity, among other ailments that have not become common to the general public since the industrial revolution.
how are you by the way? happy new year!