So the show is officially over! It went amazingly, and just want to thank everyone and anyone that helped make this happen, special props to Chris Lawrence, Hersh Singh, Joe Ovelman, and of course, Gabe Martinez.
Oh and just as a reminder, as the new year approaches, and the new world changes, for better or for worse, just.... Remain Calm!
acceptance without resignation. In a world without higher meaning or an afterlife man is absolutely free. Absurd Hero's refusal to hope becomes his singular ability to live in the present with passion.
sometimes angst, anxiety, anguish. The experience of our freedom and responsibility. One standing on the edge of a cliff and not only fears falling off it, but also throwing oneself off it. "Nothing is holding me back." No predetermination or tangible force that determines outcome.
don't be...but i need to talk to you about something later.
& i'm excited for the thesis show.. :)
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